
HR practices that make organizations mental health friendly

White Swan Foundation

HR practices that make organizations mental health friendly HR practices form an integral part of a workplace. For organizations to thrive, creating an inclusive culture that is accepting and supportive of employees with mental health issues is most essential.

Offer a flexible work environment in terms of time and place. It reduces the stress on employees and improves work-life balance.

Provide space, time, facilities and incentives to get employees to engage in activities that promote their mental and physical wellbeing.

Give access to counseling and EAP services to help them deal with their concerns.

Train employees to help build a culture of resilience within the organization. Train managers to focus on building resilience in their teams; to be more aware and proactive on issues related to mental health and wellbeing.

Create awareness, and encourage open conversations about mental health. Encourage and provide forums for constant conversations around issues related to mental health.

Implement policies that are inclusive of people with mental health issues; show zero tolerance for harassment and bullying.

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